
Twins Who Graduated First Class In UNILORIN Say School Separated Them During Exams

Taiwo Hassanah Subair and Kehinde Aishah Subair are twin sisters who will graduate with honors from the University of Ilorin’s Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management in the upcoming 2020–21 school year. Kehinde’s cumulative grade point average was 4.59, while Taiwo’s was 4.53. The twins discuss their rise to fame in an interview with ADAM MOSADIOLUWA.

Please explain the role that your upbringing played in your success in school.

Two of my older siblings and I are the youngest of six children. Both of our parents work for the government; mom is a doctor, and dad is a civil servant. We had a wonderful, supportive, and religious upbringing. We’ve been committed ever since we were in high school. Our reading together has made it so that our grades are virtually identical. Our default mentality is complete reliance on Allah and the pursuit of self-interest. We appreciate your assistance.
You’ve both got degrees in farm management and agricultural economics. Is there something tantalizing about it that led you to take the same action?
At first, we tried to go into the medical field. Unfortunately, God decided that our JAMB scores weren’t high enough to enroll us in the program. Thus, we had to abandon our original plan. We were both forced to take agricultural economics. We retook the JAMB exam our first year at UNILORIN and again performed brilliantly. Unfortunately, we were not permitted entry. However, as the semester progressed, we began to take an active interest in the material and resolved to do our very best in the class.
Both of us made life-altering decisions when we settled on studying agricultural economics. We were looking for something accessible and relevant, and we believe this course provides both.
Could you discuss the particular challenges and advantages of being twins at the same university and pursuing your studies together?
It’s safe to say that having a twin in the same field is a boon. We were singled out for favors. We are not allowed to sit next to each other in the test room unless we are not wearing any identifying marks. There were many inquiries as to whether we were related by blood or not. The fact that we can study alone is the most intriguing aspect. We complete one another.
How do you usually study? Did you manage to squeeze in some social time?
We don’t have a precise study pattern, save that as one reads, the other listens. While many people enjoy reading after dark, we find that reading during the day is more productive, so we put the books down at 10 p.m. We also avoid the library at school. Finding out what works for you is the best option. Individuals vary greatly. The majority of our free time was devoted to socializing with our friends, both inside and outside. They were the ones that turned a boring ride into a thrilling adventure.
When you discovered you were both graduating at the top of your class, how did you feel?
We learned that we would almost certainly graduate at the top of our class during our second year. This has been a long-held desire of ours. We feel that the course load during our first year was too light, so we didn’t put in a lot of effort. During this time, we were also getting ready to take the JAMB exam again, so our attention was divided. Our plan was to begin again once we had successfully completed the test. But praise be to Allah, the Most High; He has His own methods. We suddenly realized that this was probably the best option for us. You may benefit from what you loathe, and whatever it is that you love may be doing more harm than good.
Have you ever considered giving up on getting good grades or graduating at the top of your class?
No. We gave it our absolute best shot and did our very best. We were both very focused and determined. For instance, when one of us wants to start reading, the other person will be ready to read too, and we stop anytime we want to. We attribute our success to working together from the get-go.
Can you explain what drives you? Is there someone you admire?
Our dedication to learning is at an all-time high. Each of us inspires the other. We tell ourselves we can’t give up, and we are not settling for less.
Besides studying, what do you do with your time?
True, we don’t accomplish much. After the movie, we go to bed. We also host friends and family at our house or go out together.
Were there any difficulties you had to overcome while attending school (either separately or together)?
The most difficult part was arranging transportation. In our first and second years, we often had to leave the house as early as 6 o’clock in the morning to make it on time for the school bus. It wasn’t practical for us until we found a driver. The other difficulties we had to overcome were standard fare as students.
Were there any humorous or interesting times when you were on campus as twins?
Yes. You can find many. Having to deal with people’s glances and questions because we always dress the same at the school park, COMSIT during exams, and the sidewalks Since we share a class, some could argue that we can just share notes. We tried to hide the fact that we were twins by dressing differently for school, but it didn’t work. There was a certain day we were instructed to report to campus in order to pick up our academic gowns for the upcoming matriculation ceremony. There was no way we were going to enroll in classes for that together. Kehinde (myself) went to pick it up for us both. When it was my turn to collect, I took what was mine and went outside to get what Taiwo owed.
When you graduate, what do you do next?
The quest for knowledge is eternal. We’re both committed to getting our master’s degrees. We hope to make a difference in our neighborhood by helping out when we can. We have faith that great things lie ahead.
In your opinion, what should other students do to improve their grades and performance?
Follow your instincts and have faith in the procedure. It’s not simple to achieve success. It requires self-control, endurance, persistence, and focus. You should also associate with people who will encourage you to reach your full potential.

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